Call for Papers | Scope: Our Built Environment

Scope (Art and Design) Special Issue: Our Built Environment

CFP Architecture 2023

We invite expressions of interest for submissions for this special issue of Scope (Art & Design) on the theme of "Our Built Environment".

Architecture, as a (physical or theoretical) construct, responds to social, cultural, political and environmental conditions that define a particular time and place. This special issue of Scope (Art & Design) "Our Built Environment", seeks contributions centred around an enquiry into the current state of flux in which we find ourselves, and the ways in which this is manifesting through contemporary, multi-disciplinary practices that engage with land, built form, climate, technology and theory.

Formats accepted: Formats include and are not limited to: articles; essays; original research; practice and project reviews, conference reports; reviews, residencies and publications; Architect’s / designer’s pages; and posters. Other suggested formats will also be considered; and special topics comprising submissions by various contributors may be tendered to the editors.

The maximum word length for feature articles is 4000 words, with other formats at a shorter length. Please ask the editors for more guidance on word limits for your submission, and check the contributors section of the Scope website for additional information. Please note this special issue will be using APA referencing style. All submissions must include disclosure of whether and how AI was used in writing the work.

Expressions of interest for all formats are due 8 September 2023.
Deadline for Call for papers is 1 December, 2023.
Enquiries, expressions of interest and submissions should be sent to the editors for this special edition, and

Scope (Art & Design) ISSN (print): 1177-5653; ISSN (online): 1177-5661