Our strategic priorities

Our five strategic priorities which keep us focused on what matters most.

About Strategic Goals Heaader v2

Our commitment to be a sustainable and responsive organisation

Sustainability in this context relates to many things including the environment, education, business and our processes. The initiatives we undertake are set up to have long-term success and are built into our annual plans. By having an excellent operating platform, we have the tools to respond to arising needs as required.  


Our people, our team, our community 

Our commitment is to foster a culture where decisions are made with a holistic understanding of their impact on colleagues, departments and the community. 


Our learners achieve educational success 

Our commitment is to ensure equitable access to education, and to provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. We recognise that each ākonga journey is unique and we will provide the tools and opportunities they need to reach their full potential. This will empower ākonga to realise their talents, create meaningful connections, contribute positively to their community, and define their own version of success. 

Our active commitment as a Treaty partner

We are committed to standing side by side as Treaty partners; takata whenua and takata tiriti. Embedding Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and ensuring equity for Māori in all domains of Otago Polytechnic and the vocational education aspirations of mana whenua are our priority. This will empower ākonga Māori and their whānau to participate and persist in the pursuit of their goals and achieve their educational aspirations. 


Our financial success

We work to be a profitable organisation and make sound financial decisions at every level. Our processes, innovations and plans are challenged to ensure that they are contributing to our financial longevity. 

Contact us

If you’re not sure what to study and would like some guidance, we’re here to help. Feel free to chat to us directly about any questions you may have.