We know that in an emergency, you just need to know exactly who to get in touch with or what procedures to follow.

Who to contact

111 or *555 - Emergency Services

If you feel unsafe at any stage, it is always ok to call the Emergency Services for help. 

  • Call 111 for urgent emergency situations (Police)
  • Call *555 for non-urgent situations (Police)
4177 - Polytechnic emergency text number

In an emergency, you may receive a text alert from 4177. It's a good idea to save the 4177 number in your phone under the name 'Polytech emergency'. You can also use the number to report an emergency to the polytechnic.

021 735 421 - Polytechnic emergency support number

If you need emergency support from the Polytechnic, we have a contact number which is available 24/7. 

  • Call 021 735 421 

This is for all ākonga to use but please just use this in emergencies, especially for after-hours emergencies. 

If you need student support during 8.30am-5.00pm, please call 0800 762 786 and we’ll connect you with the right people.  

0800 479 5000 - Campus Watch (Dunedin)

Available 24/7.

The Campus Watch team is a group of staff employed to watch out for you. 

Five teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You'll recognise them by their distinctive uniforms of blue and gold, with fluro vests/jackets, walking around campus and North Dunedin. 

They do have a University of Otago emblem on their uniform but they are 100% there for Otago Polytechnic students too!

Their role is essentially pastoral - acting as "walking info booths" on a range of issues.

Their duties include manning the Safety Patrol, providing "walks home" and ensuring student behaviour is kept to a reasonable level. 

021 190 5950 - Campus Cop (Dunedin)

As well as our Campus Watch crew, you might also see our Campus Cop, John Woodhouse, out and about. 

You can touch base with John by emailing campus.cop@otago.ac.nz or calling 021 190 5950.  

Equipment and procedures

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

There are 6 AED located on and around campus:

  • A Block – Adjacent to Room A120a
  • H Block – Lift Lobby
  • L Block – Main Reception Area
  • Z Block – Sargood Centre – Tapuae (Gymnasium)       
  • M Block – Manaaki – Student Health – Treatment Room 
  • Roberston Library - Lending Area, Bottom of main stairwell (not owned by Otago Polytechnic)

A defib is also available at Central campus

For a map of AED locations in the greater student area please check out AED Locations

Evacuation procedure

On the continuous sounding of the alarm:

  • All occupants must evacuate the building in an orderly manner via the stairwell or nearest designated exit. The lift must not be used. 
  • All doors should be closed when the area is clear. 
  • Occupants should assemble in a designated assembly point clear of the building. 

Refer to evacuation plans displayed in hallways and classrooms for assembly points. 

Occupants must not return to the building until an all clear is given. The all clear is usually given by intermittent short bursts of the fire alarm sounder, or as instructed by the Building Warden or the Fire Service.

Earthquake evacuation procedure
  • Stay where you are.
  • Move no more than a few steps to a safe place, then drop, cover and hold on.
  • If inside, get under a heavy piece of furniture or a doorway, or stay low alongside an inside wall. Keep away from windows.
  • If in a lift, stop at the nearest floor and get out.
  • If outside, stay outside and keep clear of buildings and power lines.


Call 4177 to report an emergency on campus.