Otago Polytechnic’s first-ever pōwhiri attracted an amazing turnout!
More than 2000 ākonga, representing a broad range of academic interests, were joined by Otago Polytechnic kaimahi at Forsyth Barr Stadium.

More than 2000 ākonga, representing a broad range of academic interests, were joined by Otago Polytechnic kaimahi at Forsyth Barr Stadium.
A historic first for us, the pōwhiri was led by mana whenua, who formally welcomed ākonga into our learning space.
Megan Potiki, Otago Polytechnic Executive Director, spoke about the significance of place, alluding to the fact that the area around what is now Otago Polytechnic’s campus was once abundant with sources of nourishment.
On the subject of kai, those present were invited back to Otago Polytechnic’s Forth St Hub for morning tea.
Published on 27 Feb 2024