Student Story

Janelle Rohtmets

Janelle Rohtmets wanted to show her children that it’s okay if you don’t know what you want to do after you leave school. She has now landed a career where she is able to help, support and advocate for patients at their most vulnerable.

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An administrator in the NZ Army for six years, Janelle spent time visiting orphanages and hospitals in East Timor, and knew that she wanted to do more – to ‘give back’.

“After leaving the army, I worked as a caregiver and completed qualifications in healthcare, including graduating as an Enrolled Nurse. However, life just got in the way, and I never enrolled in the Nursing degree.”

Janelle eventually came to realise there was no ‘right time’, and so enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing at Otago Polytechnic.

“I contacted Otago Polytechnic to discuss my options, found out what papers I could cross credit, put in my application – and the rest is history!”

Janelle is already employed at Dunedin Hospital.

“I have worked at the hospital for nearly the last three years, since I graduated as an Enrolled Nurse. My department has supported and encouraged me to up-skill and really pushed me to enrol in the degree.”

“The course has been great. I’ve really enjoyed meeting like-minded students, reconnecting with the School of Nursing staff and stepping outside of my comfort zone.”

“My mindset was a big challenge. I was in a stable job and wondered if I would ‘do okay’. What if I failed? Am I too old to go back and study with all the younger students? I put a lot of pressure on myself to take the initial step but I’m so happy I did!”

Janelle Rohtmets

Enrolled Nurse

Studied the Bachelor of Nursing

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Published on 14 Dec 2021