New Zealand Certificate in Animal Care (Level 3) (Companion Animals)

This programme is great for testing interest in this area as it'll give you a taste of the wider range of animal-related qualifications available and allow you to get a feel for tertiary study before attempting a higher-level qualification. It's also a great first step if you want to enter an animal-related profession, such as SPCA work, pet shop work or kennel and cattery animal care.

About the programme

Start here for a fulfilling career working with animals.

This programme will give you an entry-level animal care qualification. It will also give you a taste of the wider range of animal-related qualifications available and allow you to get a feel for tertiary study before attempting a higher-level qualification.

It’s also a great first step if you want to enter an animal-related profession such as SPCA work, pet shop work or kennel and cattery animal care.

You'll learn about the health, welfare, husbandry, anatomy, physiology, and low-stress handling techniques for animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits and birds.

Once you’ve completed the first course, you’ll need to organise access to animal-related facilities such as boarding kennels or catteries so you can do your 40-hour work placement.

You will also need to attend regular online sessions during this programme (although compulsory, these are flexible, and you will be offered some options).

Studying part-time 

We know full-time study isn't always possible. We offer a one-year part-time study option that starts in February.


Companion Animal Courses


Introduction To Professional Skills When Working With Companion Animals


Introduction To Behaviour, Handling, And Transportation For Companion
Introduction To Form, Function And Preventative Health For Companion
Introduction To Husbandry For Companion Animals 15
Companion Animals Practicum 10


Health and Safety

You will be given full training to minimise all programme-specific risks. Examples of risks associated with this programme are lifting, animal bites and scratches, zoonotic diseases, computers, chemicals, sharp instruments, electricity, fire, and mercury thermometers. We recommend that your tetanus injection status is up-to-date to attend work-placements and handle any animals in this programme.

Further study options

When you successfully finish this programme, you could study our one-year New Zealand Certificate in Animal Healthcare Assisting (Level 4) or the two-year New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing or New Zealand Diploma in Rural Animal Veterinary Technology  to widen your career opportunities.