Justices of the Peace

Otago Polytechnic has Justices of the Peace (JPs) on campus who can assist with witnessing signatures, certifying documents and recording declarations or affidavits. JPs are “people of good sense, character and integrity" in the community appointed by the Governor General to work in an unpaid capacity to assist the public.

OP Website Explore JusticePeace 1200x610

Otago Polytechnic Justices of the Peace

Name Role Location  Contact details
Dr Karole Hogarth-Caulfield Principal Lecturer 
School of Nursing
H210, H Block
Cnr Forth St & Union St East
Dunedin Campus
Otago Polytechnic
03 470 3902
Steve Downey Chaplain 
Student Success Team
The Hub, H Block
Cnr Forth St & Union St East
Dunedin Campus
Otago Polytechnic
Steve Brook Lecturer
College of Engineering, Construction and Living Sciences
A120a, A Block
Forth Street
Dunedin Campus

Dunedin Campus map


Important Information for your JP Appointment

  • Otago Polytechnic’s JPs are first and foremost committed to their paid roles at Otago Polytechnic. Sometimes this may mean that their work commitments need to take priority.
  • It is your responsibility to have your documents organised prior to your JP appointment. This means you need to bring original documents and photocopies that you would like verified. Please do not pre-sign any documents before your visit.
  • When you make your appointment please indicate the type of JP service you are seeking e.g. “affirmation” or “certification of documents”. This enables the JP to prepare for your appointment appropriately and provide you with the best possible service.

University of Otago

  • JP services on the University of Otago campus currently run on Wednesdays 9:00am to 3:00pm at the AskOtago Desk on the ground floor of the Central Library.

    For more information, please contact AskOtago 0800 80 80 98 or visit their website.

Otago JP Asssociation service desks

  • A JP is usually available at:  

    • City Library (First Floor) each Monday from 4:30pm to 7pm and every Friday from 10am until 12.30 pm.
    • South Dunedin Pop-Up Library each Tuesday from 11am to 1pm and every Thursday 1pm to 3pm.
    • Port Chalmers each Friday from 11am to 1pm.

    You can check the Dunedin Public Library website to make sure these times are up-to-date.

Contact us

If you’re not sure what to study and would like some guidance, we’re here to help. Feel free to chat to us directly about any questions you may have.