
Student-led services

Pregnancy Follow-Throughs

Have you thought of sharing this special time with a student midwife?

Do you know?

Our first year midwifery students ‘follow through’ a woman and her family in a supportive role during pregnancy, childbirth and the early weeks at home with the baby. Our second year students ‘follow through’ a woman, focusing on the midwifery aspects, learning the skills of midwifery in a ‘hands on’ way, closely supervised by the midwife involved in your care. We have students based in Dunedin, Oamaru, Central Otago, Southland, Wellington, Hutt Valley, Kapiti Coast, Whanganui, Palmerston North and the Wairarapa.

What’s in it for you?

  • The first year students are keen to learn how pregnancy is experienced by you and your whanau. They are available to help with support and companionship during your pregnancy and childbirth experience.
  • The second year students develop their midwifery skills further. They work alongside the midwife, the women and her whanau. Midwifery students can be someone to talk to about the joys and challenges of this special time.

“It was a really nice experience, having a second person caring for me, especially during the birth. My student midwife was involved from 12 weeks on. She did a really good job of communicating information to me. ”

Kate Mullan

Pregnancy Follow-Through

2nd time mother

How can you help?

By sharing your pregnancy and birth experience with a midwifery student. By talking with the lecturer about the student’s performance. You will be helping to educate the midwives for the future.

“I’ve been lucky to be following five women. It is such an incredible honour if they want you to be at the birth.”

Rosie Naylor

Year 1

Midwifery Student 2017

“First year follow throughs are mainly about observation and providing support. In second year it’s more about developing your own midwifery practice and it’s much more hands on.”

Tracy Finnie

Year 2

Midwifery Student 2017

Supervision of midwifery students

A lecturer at the School of Midwifery supervises each student and is available to discuss any questions or issues you may have about the programme or your student. You are in charge and can decide what you want to share with the student.

Contact us

Fill in the consent form online here.

To find out more about having a midwifery student involved in your childbirth experience and to obtain a hard copy or PDF consent form, please contact the School of Midwifery:

Email MidwiferyPlacements@op.ac.nz

Call 0800 762 786